Lexi and Duke

Ruler of the Roost
Oso von Hariton 
von Hesperia

"I knew they'd never be able to resist my winning personality!
( I can't resist theirs either)."

Lullaby and Goodnight ...
Sam von Merrill 
"I'm now a very important sidewalk supervisor in Alaska!"
Max von Geoffrion
aka Storm

"Welcome Home, Sweet Boy!"

Candace and

have arrived!"
Kieffer aka

"C'mon Mandy, rise and shine, we have a very
busy day ahead of us!"

"Casey and I REALLY like each other, especially
now that I'm a featured NOTE CARD puppy!"
________ Hilda von Bigen
aka Sugar

"This is a lovely taste sensation ...
not too
sweet, not too salty!"
________ Amigo
aka Blazer

Fire Marshall
Blazer instructs firefighter Dixie
on the fine points of wearing protective gear!
Dutch and Gypsy

"Nick said he'd be right back!"
of Earl

"Just keep staring, she'll cave pretty soon."
Hannah aka Vivi 
"Fit for a queen ... which I am now!"
________ Ula 
"Wow, I'm not in Kansas anymore!"
Fred and Elsy

"How did we get so lucky?"