Nigel von Brink

"Naps are salvithic!"
A Christmas Card in Waiting
Gustav von Tidwell 

"Who could ask for anything more?"
________ Georgia aka Batgirl

"The Joker and Catwoman never had it so Good!"
aka Moose

"When's dinner?"
Kiki aka Sadie 
Tomoko & Dennis
love little Kiki
"How do we love thee, let us count the ways!"
Franz von Freidburg

"Lucky they brought the BIG car!"
Duchess von

The New Motley Crue!

The Moore the Merrier!
Annie aka Analiese

"When Candi and Jim said a little get-away,
I had no idea, but isn't it grand!"

"We love Reeses to Pieces!"
"I am one regal dude!"
Bo von Hariton 
Patiently awaiting the arrival of Mistress Claudia
Jack von Cartier 
"My new brother Sam and I are teaching Scott how
throw two balls at one time!"
Morgan von Bakersfield
"We're so good together!"
____ Max von Merrill

"I don't
want you to leave without me,
so I'll stand on your foot just in case!"
Hudson and Harley are inseparable!
Scout aka Sam von Camarillo

"I get to go to the office like the big guys!"
Cali aka Hannah von Brink

"How the better half lives ... I get it now!"